ARrival Day - June 1
4-6 pm: Writers will arrive in the afternoon and settle into their rooms and the space. Feel free to use this time to explore the house, walk the grounds, or meet the cat.
6 pm: Dinner and introductions. Vegetarian/vegan options can be available.
8-9 pm: Our only mandatory workshop: How to Critique. In order to get the most out of our time together, we want to set some ground rules for our nightly feedback sessions.
The Dining Room
Day 2 - June 2
7 am: Sunrise yoga and meditation. Join us in the meadow (weather permitting) for some morning sun salutations.
8 am: Breakfast. Continental style, plenty of coffee.
9 am: Communal meal clean up.
9:30 - Noon: First writing block. Stay in your room, use the lounge or the library, or write outside in the garden. Use this time however and wherever you like.
Noon: Lunch. Soups, salads, and sandwiches.
1:30 pm: Communal meal clean up.
2-3:30 pm: November’s Workshop: Part-time to Published.
3:30-5 pm: Second writing block. If you would like your work to be critiqued at the feedback session, it must be submitted to the other writers at this time. November will be available for 1:1 office hours during this time.
5 pm: Free time before dinner. Writers can go for a walk, go for a swim, take a shower, scream into a pillow. Rejuvenate however you need to.
6 pm: Dinner. Vegetarian/vegan options can be available.
7:30 pm: Communal meal clean up.
8-9 pm: Structured feedback time. If you have submitted your work to be critiqued, other writers may share their feedback at this time.
9:30 pm: Informal debrief. This is the time for sharing joy at fixing a plot hole or lamenting your writer’s block.
9:30 pm - x: Free time until whenever you’d like to go to bed. Quiet (ish) hours in the shared spaces after 10 pm so the writers who chose to go to sleep can do so.
Day 3 - June 3
7 am: Sunrise yoga and meditation. Join us in the meadow (weather permitting) for some stretching and breathing.
8 am: Breakfast. Continental style, plenty of coffee.
9 am: Communal meal clean up.
9:30 - Noon: First writing block. Stay in your room, use the roof or the dining room, or write outside in the meadow. Use this time however and wherever you like.
Noon: Lunch. Soups, salads, and sandwiches.
1:30 pm: Communal meal clean up.
2-3:30 pm: Ellen’s Workshop: Querying 101.
3:30-5 pm: Second writing block. If you would like your work to be critiqued at the feedback session, it must be submitted to the other writers at this time. November will be available for 1:1 office hours during this time.
5 pm: Free time before dinner. Writers can go for a walk, go for a swim, take a shower, collect a bunch of rocks. Rejuvenate however you need to.
6 pm: Dinner. Vegetarian/vegan options can be available.
7:30 pm: Communal meal clean up.
8-9 pm: Structured feedback time. If you have submitted your work to be critiqued, other writers may share their feedback at this time.
9:30 pm: Informal debrief. This is the time for asking about whether your main character should be gay or whether dragons have two or four legs.
9:30 pm - x: Free time until whenever you’d like to go to bed. Quiet (ish) hours in the shared spaces after 10 pm so the writers who chose to go to sleep can do so.
Back yard headed towards the meadow
Day 4 - June 4
7 am: Sunrise yoga and meditation. Join us in the meadow (weather permitting) for some relaxation and reflection.
8 am: Breakfast. Continental style, plenty of coffee.
9 am: Communal meal clean up.
9:30 - Noon: First writing block. Stay in your room, use the piano room or the kitchen, or write outside in the cemetery. Use this time however and wherever you like.
Noon: Lunch. Soups, salads, and sandwiches.
1:30 pm: Communal meal clean up.
2-3:30 pm: November’s Workshop: A Writer’s Guide to Social Media.
3:30-5 pm: Second writing block. If you would like your work to be critiqued at the feedback session, it must be submitted to the other writers at this time. November will be available for 1:1 office hours during this time.
5 pm: Free time before dinner. Writers can go for a walk, go for a swim, take a shower, watch Love Island. Rejuvenate however you need to.
6 pm: Dinner. Vegetarian/vegan options can be available.
7:30 pm: Communal meal clean up.
8-9 pm: Structured feedback time. If you have submitted your work to be critiqued, other writers may share their feedback at this time.
9:30 pm: Informal debrief. This is the time for crying and hugging and feeling proud and also sad.
9:30 pm - x: Free time until whenever you’d like to go to bed. Quiet (ish) hours in the shared spaces after 10 pm so the writers who chose to go to sleep can do so.
View from the window’s walk
Departure Day - June 5
8-10 am: Farewell breakfast. We will check in with each other to see what we learned, how we’re feeling, and how we intend to keep writing.
11 am: Check out