Part-Time to Published — with November J. Brown
To kick off the week, November will talk about how to balance being a part-time writer with a full-time life. Participants will dive into writing schedules that actually work, managing their creative passions with “responsibilities,” and how to make writing a priority within a busy lifestyle.
All participants will also receive a free copy of November’s 80-page guide, Part-Time to Published.
Querying 101 — With Ellen Parent
So you've dreamed up a story, fallen in love with your characters, poured your heart into a manuscript, and lovingly edited it until it sings on the page. Now what? In a marketplace that's never been more crowded or diverse, how do you get your manuscript noticed by agents and publishers? Well, the cornerstone of your efforts is the query letter-- the information you use to pitch your book to agents and publishers. In this workshop, we'll explore the different components of a query letter, synopsis, and elevator pitch. We'll learn how to decide where to send your manuscript, strategies for running a successful querying campaign, resources for helping you along the way, and most importantly, how to make sure your query catches and keeps the attention of your audience.
Writer’s guide to social media — with November J. Brown
Whether you’re seeking traditional or self-publication, having a social media presence can give you and your book a serious edge. November will share her journey of growing over 200,000 community members over the past 1.5 years, and the concrete steps she took to get there. Participants will learn how to set up their writing account, consistently create engaging content (without spending hours online!), and grow the dream readership their book deserves!
All participants will also receive a free copy of November’s 80-page guide, The Writer’s Guide to IG.
1:1 Coaching with November J. Brown
During this retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with November and get personalized advice and answers for all your burning questions about social media growth, building a online readership, book brainstorming, and prioritizing your writing career within your full-time life.